The bike repair costs depend on the type of repair and spare parts. Minor jobs such as tightening and oiling the chain start at €15, while more extensive repairs such as replacing bicycle parts can vary.
We don't have any hidden fees! After booking or reviewing, you know all the costs involved. This gives you full control over the price of your bike repair.
As soon as you have booked your bike repair appointment, you will see all repair costs. Should there be any uncertainties about the bicycle services afterwards, we will contact you by email or telephone and have the final activities confirmed or rejected. Transparency and fair prices are our top priorities.
You can read the costs for a standard bike inspection above - depending on which type of bike you have. This helps to identify potential problems at an early stage.
Our mobile service for bicycle repairs at home, in the office or in the park costs a small travel fee. The exact cost of the repair depends on the effort involved.
Yes, you can use our price list to estimate the costs of repair, maintenance or replacement of spare parts in advance. Our tool on the website also shows you the respective costs for each individual work step, as well as the spare parts costs and, in the end, a sum for the entire service.
Most bike repairs are completed within 1-2 working days. If special spare parts are required, we will immediately inform you of possible delays and additional costs.
Yes, you can easily book your appointment online. Alternatively, you can also check in directly at the local bicycle repair shop.
In addition to fair and transparent bicycle repair costs, we offer a mobile bicycle service that comes to you, as well as standardized quality in all bike workshops nearby.